SHIVOM will distribute 3 Billion OmiX tokens
Token Sale
990 Million OmiX tokens will be sold during the ICO process.
90Million OmiX Tokens will be distributed to the community to grow and nurture the
Shivom ecosystem, for bounty programs to leverage network effects, and for
community initiatives to reward developers, entrepreneurs, and strategists.
420Million OmiX will be allocated for founders to support the development of the
Shivom ecosystem and their continued long-term alignment with the project.
300Million OmiX will be allocated for early backers and a global network of advisors.
Incentivizing Growth Pool
600Million OmiX will be secured in a smart contract, allocated to the database, and
introduced into circulation as rewards for data generation.
Company Reserve
600Million OmiX will be kept by the Foundation as a reserve fund for future data
contribution, running the Foundation and associated non-profit R&D efforts. The
Foundation maintains all authority to utilize a few or the majority of the reserve
tokens for future external investors.