What is Lucky Bird
Lucky Bird (formerly known as BirdWorld) is a metaverse project createdbySingapore Micron Foundation as the main body. Lucky Bird focuses oninfrastructure,economic model and cross-game layout. In the future, Lucky Bird may connectvariousother metaverse products in series to create a “public chain” of NFT world.
Lucky Bird’s investors include Softbank Capital Group, Singapore Digital Foundation,Global Digital Asset Exchange LAToken and other mainstreamventurecapitalinstitutions. Lucky Bird has also reached strategic partnerships withwell-knowninstitutions and first-line exchanges such as Coin, Bwin, Kucoin, BybitNFT, AAVE,Mytoken, Coinmaketcap, and BirdWorldNFT has launched the BinanceNFTtradingmarket. It has been in the top three positions of BinanceNFT tradingmarket foralongtime and is a high-quality project supported by BinanceNFT trading market.
Lucky Bird’s establishment and market research began in July 2021. Throughtheprospect of the future metaverse ecosystem, we analyzed the commonproblemsoftraditional and trend block chain games, and tried to put forward creativesolutionstoprovide users with the ultimate next generation game experience throughtheblockchain mechanism, thus building a new metaverse.
In addition to Gamefi, we are also working on other key componentsofthetechnology infrastructure necessary to implement a true Metaverse, includingDAOandDeFi. Lucky Bird is the next frontier in the gaming industry, a revolutionarysystemthatallows players to make money without having to play games.