We are dedicated to making crypto dealing affordable, simple, and favourable for everyone. DeFi swapping, saving, and borrowing are the main crypto activities that an everyday user is likely to require at some point. Our platform will ensure that the users see all the available players and their offers to make an informed decision.
We aim to be a simple, transparent, and secure DeFi platform that offers crypto users an easy time comparing players associated with DeFi loans, saving, and swapping services. We are seeking to be an online mall – a one-stop shop for crypto users needing to borrow, save, or swap crypto by bringing all these services and their players under one platform. This is to allow the millions of crypto users globally to access credible DeFi loans, saving, and swapping services by being exposed to all the available offers in the market instantly.
We offer:
- Crypto loans comparison solution
- Crypto-saving comparison solution
- Crypto swap comparison solution
All COF token holders will receive a commission – profit dividends of 20% of net fees paid to Cryptoffer by its Partners monthly. For example, if Cryptoffer’s users take loans from Cryptoffer partners’ $10M by cryptocurrencies in a month and partners’ average net fee to Cryptoffer is 2.5%, allocated net earnings to COF holder will be 0.5%, i.e., token holders will be allocated $50,000 of commission earnings during that month. Allocated commissions will be distributed via a smart contract to holders of COF tokens.