What is Chainflip
Chainflip is a cross-chain decentralised exchange, coordinated through its own application-specific blockchain. It is designed to have amazing pricing, support for both native BTC, EVM & substrate networks, and many other chain types. It also features cross-chain messaging support to maximise composability with current and future solutions to maximise asset coverage for users.
Chainflip is not building yet another bridge. Chainflip takes the best of all current cross-chain solutions and makes further optimisations not presently available to any of them. Chainflip is at the forefront of the new generation of AMM designs, enabling the protocol to leverage existing on and off-chain spot markets to provide a truly game-changing experience to users.
Chainflip Roadmap
November 2022
Testnet Launch
Aprill 2023
Security Audit
July 2023
Swapping Demo
Q3 2023
Token Sale
Mainnet Launch
Swapping Launch
Q4 2023
Chain Integrations